joi, august 17, 2006

Weekendul cu Cruce Roşie

Last weekend was the annual summer meeting of the Norwegian Red Cross (Røde Kors) and the Romanian Red Cross (Cruce Roşie) in Târgu Mureş. I was honored to be invited to take part in their weekend activities and become a member. This was a great international effort with so many projects aimed at helping Roma communities and promoting health and well-being throughout the city. Here are some pics:

Delivering some much needed used windows to a local Roma community

A VIP tour of the SMURD unit (the emergency response team in Târgu Mureş)and their chopper

The tent where we offered health information, condoms, and blood pressure tests

A few special people who received much deserved recognition and certificates for all their extra efforts in their Red Cross service

These charming Romanians... See how they just steal kisses!

A good team: Moi, Magda, Flavius, and Hochen

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Laundry Day (Ziua de Curăţătorie)

Every Saturday I walk towards Cartier Zorilor (uphill) with my giant bag of laundry to wash at the spalatorie (trudge, trudge, trudge) and until a couple of months ago, when it opened, I spent my entire weekends washing all of my clothes in the bathtub, piece by piece, trigger finger aching all the while. I feel such relief now that I can actually go to a real laundromat where a machine washes my clothes and all I have to do is lug them there, dirty... and lug them back wet and clean to hang them on my balcony. I have grown so accustomed to this luxury that I forgot, until last week at the river in Floreşti , the grueling nature of hand-washing.This is laundry day in Floreşti where the children complete their daily summer chores and hopefully take a dip in the cool water too! I felt empathy for them but I must admit... they looked like they were having much more fun than I did washing clothes in my bathtub!

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